on September 6, 2024
Dear Colleagues,
In our “Brave New World” of (1) a new PHEIC pretty much every year now; (2) a rather real nuclear threat if that botox-loving dictator in the Kremlin is being pushed a bit too hard to his sorry taste; (3) an accelerating climate and more in general planetary crisis; (4) all while the UN system increasingly resembles the League of Nations in the 30s ( seemingly powerless versus the ongoing horror in Gaza or the “Taliban 2.0’s” gender apartheid, eg. ), and we no doubt forget a few more existential threats …. we are nevertheless happy to bring you again an IHP newsletter chockful of “global health” policy news : )
We have two short Featured articles this week, so on ‘voluntary and mutually agreed upon terms’ we’ll keep it brief in the intro.
It’s clear that with the start of September, plenty of global (health) policy fora are getting into full swing again (among others, a G20 Health Working group meeting in Brazil and interactive dialogues ahead of INB11 (re the...